Friday, June 6, 2008

Strive to rejoice understand grow gain love everyday

Life can be a struggle; and we all go through rough patches at times including those that might be well to do. Just because one might be wealthy does not mean they are exempt from having struggles.

We all are having a struggle with the rising cost of gas now at the $4 mark. The other day I went to get gas and noticed a young lady filling up nearing $80.00; and she had yet to finish pumping. So yes, life can be a struggle in a variety of ways; the gas was just one example.

But we were all meant to struggle right? Jesus suffered. Maybe we should look at the struggle in this way:









Then the struggle of life might not be so bad


Anonymous said...

Great point about how Jesus suffered so maybe that is in our life to. I love your eight words to. Something to think about. It's great to have a change to read such an thought out idea

Skye B said...

Hi Lori,
I really like this post. I also really like the way your blog is set up.

My life is a struggle everyday, however, I try to manage my way through it, and using some of the words you wrote here. Here are your words in the sentence that means so much to me: "Strive To Rejoice, Understand, Grow, Gain, and Love Everyday". These are things I do.

I am a disabled woman with a mulitude of physical problems that has been bed-bound for over 2 years now, unable to walk ever again....with everyday full of pain. So now you can understand why what you wrote meant so much to me.


Babs (Beetle) said...

It most definitely is through pain and hardship that we grow. Therefore I am thankful for all of my life.